Scientific Papers

Authorssort descendingYearTitle
K. L. Barry, Holwell, G. I., Herberstein, M. E.In PressFemale praying mantids use sexual cannibalism as a foraging strategy to increase fecundity
M. Beier1931Neue und interessante Mantiden
M. Beier1955Mantidea
M. Beier1970Dictyoptera (Blattoidea et Mantoidea)
P. E. Bragg2021Rearing Fruit Flies
P. E. Bragg2010A review of the Liturgusidae of Borneo (Insecta: Mantodea).
P. E. Bragg2008Records of the genus Citharomantis Rehn, 1909 from Borneo (Insecta: Mantodea: Hymenopodidae: Acromantinae).
P. E. Bragg2008Praying mantids from the “Gladiator” Expedition to the Brandberg Massif, Namibia, in 2002 (Insecta: Mantodea).
P. E. Bragg1989Parthenogenetic mantid named.
P. E. Bragg1987A case of Parthenogenesis in a mantid.
P. E. Bragg1997An Introduction to Rearing Praying Mantids
A. N. Caudell1912Notes on the mantid genus Gonastista Sauss.
A. N. Caudell1905Kirby's Catalogue of Orthoptera
R. Ehrmann2002Mantodea Gottesanbeterinnen de Welt
M. E. Helmkampf, Schwarz, C. J., Beck, J.2007A first look at the biodiversity of praying mantids (Insecta: Mantodea) in Sabah, Borneo.
G. I. Holwell, Barry, K. L., Herberstein, M. E.2007Mate location, antennal morphology, and ecology in two praying mantids (Insecta: Mantodea)
K. Hyden, Kral K.2005The role of edges in the selection of a jump target in Mantis religiosa
A. P. KALTENBACH1998Unterlagen für eine Monographie der Mantodea (Insecta) des südlichen Afrika: 2. Bestimmungstabellen für die höheren Taxa, Nachträge zum Artenbestand.
A. P. KALTENBACH1996Unterlagen für eine Monographie der Mantodea (Insecta) des südlichen Afrika: 1. Artenbestand, geographische Verbreitung und Ausbreitungsgrenzen (Insecta: Mantodea).
W. F. Kirby1904Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera - Mantidae & Phasmidae.
W. F. Kirby1900Monograph of Christmas Island - Orthoptera
W. F. Kirby1899On a Collection of Mantidae fom the Transvaal &c. formed by Mr. W. L. Distant.
W. F. Kirby1889The Zoology of the Afghan Delimitation Commission - Orthoptera.
K. Kral2012How far stationary contrast boundaries can be away to elicit behavioral responses in praying mantis
K. Kral1998Spatial vision in the course of an insect's life
K. Kral1998Side-to-side movements to obtain motion depth cues: A short review of research on the praying mantis
K. Kral, Devetak D.1999The visual orientation strategies of Mantis religiosa and Empusa fasciata reflect differences in the structure of their visual surroundings
K. Kral, Poteser M.2009Relationship between body size and spatial vision in the praying mantis - an ontogenetic study
K. Kral, Poteser M.1997Motion parallax as a source of distance information in locusts and mantids
A. Köck, Jabobs, A. Katherina, Kral, K.1993Visual prey discrimination in monocular and binocular praying mantis Tenodera sinensis during postembryonic development
G. Leitinger, Pabst, M. Anna, Kral, K.1999Serotonin-immunoreactive neurones in the visual system of the praying mantis: An immunohistochemical, confocal laser scanning and electron microscopic study
A. A. H. Lichtenstein1802A dissertation on two Natural Genera hitherto confounded under the name of Mantis
A. A. H. Lichtenstein1796Insecten.
W. S. Macleay1827Orthoptera
J. A. Marshall, Haes E. C. M.1988Grasshoppers and Allied Insects of Great Britain and Ireland.
T. K. Mukherjee, Das, B. C., Hazra, A. K.2005Types of Mantodea (Insecta: Mantodea) in the collection of Central Entomological Laboratory of Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, India.
M. Poteser, Kral K.1995Visual distance discrimination in praying mantis larvae: An index of the use of motion parallax
M. Poteser, Pabst, M. Anna, Kral, K.1998Proprioceptive contribution to distance estimation by motion parallax in a praying mantid
Kral, K., Prete F. R.2004In the Mind of a Hunter: The Visual World of Praying Mantis
F. R. Prete, Wells, H., Wells, P. H., Hurd, L. E. (Editor1999The Praying Mantids
D. R. Ragge1965Grasshoppers, Crickets and Cockroaches of the British Isles.
J. Redtenbacher1889Beitrag zur Orthopteren-Fauna von Turkmenien
J. A. G. Rehn1933Dermaptera and Orthoptera of the de Schauensee South African expedition, - Part 1.
J. A. G. Rehn1912On some African Mantidae and Phasmidae in the Collection of the Deutschen Entomologischen Museum
J. A. G. Rehn1912On a collection of Javanese Mantidae and Phasmidae (Orthoptera)
J. A. G. Rehn1909A contribution to the knowledge of the Orthoptera of Sumatra.
J. A. G. Rehn1907Notes on the Orthoptera of Costa Rica, with descriptions of new species.
J. A. G. Rehn1903Notes and remarks on North American Blattidae, Mantidae and Phasmidae, with a catalogue of the Forficulidae, Blattidae, Mantidae & Phasmidae recorded from Texas.
J. A. G. Rehn1903Studies in Old World Mantidae (Orthoptera).
J. A. G. Rehn1902American Orthoptera


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith