Revision of Parthenogenesis in mantids from Fri, 2021-10-22 22:17

Parthenogenesis in mantids

Parthenogenesis has been recorded in eight species of mantids.  Brunneria borealis is always parthenogenetic; the other species on the list below exhibit facultative parthenogenesis (i.e they are usually sexual).

Brunneria borealis Scudder, 1896 - [recorded by White, 1948]
Hoplocorypha sp.?  Genus unconfirmed. [recorded by Meriguet, 1996]
Sinaiella sabulosa Uvarov, 1939 - [recorded by Larsen, 1996 as Miomantis ehrenbergi].
Miomantis savignyi Saussure, 1872 – [recorded by Adair, 1925 & byYager, 1996]
Miomantis paykullii Stål, 1871– the senior synonym of savignyi & pharaonica.
Miomantis pharaonica Saussure, 1898 - [recorded by Larsen, 1996].
Miomantis sp. - [Church (in Bragg, 1996), & Dickie, 1996]
Sphodromanris viridis (Forskal, 1775) - [recorded by Bragg, 1987 & 1989, & Larsen, 1996].
Stagmatoptera hyaloptera (Perty, 1833) - [recorded by Jope, 1996]
Tenodera sinensis Saussure, 1871 - [recorded by Jope, 1996]
Orthoderella major Toledo Piza, 1962 - [recorded by Flechtmann, 1994 as Tithrone major]


Adair (1925) On parthenogenesis in Miomantis savignii. Bull. Soc. Ent. Egypte, 8: 104-108.
Bragg, P.E. (1987) A case of parthenogenesis in a mantid.  Bull. Amat. ent. Soc., 46(356): 160.
Bragg, P.E. (1989) Parthenogenetic mantid named. Bull. Amat. ent. Soc., 48(367): 242.
Bragg, P.E. (1996) Parthenogenesis again.  Mantis Study Group Newsletter, 1: 5.
Church, J. (1996) in Bragg, P.E. (1996) – see above.
Cukier, M. (1979) Parthenogenesis in Coptopteryx viridis (Giglio Tos, 1915). (Dictyoptera, Mantidae). Biol. Bull. Lancaster, 157: 445-452.
Dickie, S. (1996) Parthenogenesis in mantids.  Mantis Study Group Newsletter, 1: 5.
Flechtmann, C.A.H. & Rodrigues, S.R. (1994) Biological aspects of Thesprotia macilenta Sauss. and Zhnt. and Tithrone major Piza (Mantodea). Anais Da Sociedade Entomologica do Brasil, 23(3): 479-486.
Jope, M. (1996) Parthenogenesis in Stagmatoptera and Tenodera. Mantis Study Group Newsletter, 2: 5.
Larsen, T. (1996) Parthenogenesis again. Mantis Study Group Newsletter, 2: 5.
Meriguet, B. (1996) Parthenogenesis in mantids. Mantis Study Group Newsletter, 2: 4-5.
Meriguet, B. (1998) Parthenogeneis. Mantis Study Group Newsletter, 10: 2.
White, M.J.D. (1948) "Chromosomes of the parthenogenetic mantid Brunneria borealis." Evolution, 2: 90-93.
Yager, D. (1996) Parthenogenesis in Miomantis. Mantis Study Group Newsletter, 2: 3-4.

Fri, 2021-10-22 22:10 -- pbragg
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith